Tuesday 1 November 2011

Music Video Ideas

In my music video there won't be very many characters, you'll only really see the main characters; the girl and the boy.This means that the story between the two characters is emphasised.The idea of my video is to show how even though the characters are really different, they still manage to work, so the characters are going to have to be very different in appearance and behaviour. I intend to make them look very different from each other, so I have to give them very obviously different costumes:
Girl - The girl will be wearing very light colours. She will be wearing a light (maybe floral) dress, and a light coloured cardigan - so she looks very girly and the complete opposite to the boy.
Boy - I intend to make him wear very dark colours, so he contrasts with the girl to show just how different they are to each other. He will be wearing a black leather jacket, dark jeans and a dark t-shirt.

I thought I would keep it simple and not have very many characters in the video because that way it reflects the genre of music. Also, having too many characters in the video would take the focus off the couple and the storyline.

I will use lighting to represent how the characters in the video are feeling, for example, the video will be light when the characters are happy, and it will be darker when the characters are unhappy - This is to emphasise how the characters are feeling.

Most of the settings I will be using are outside, except for when they go to the boy's house.
The settings/locations I am intending to use are:
- A pathway (for when the couple are walking along holding hands).
- A bench (for when there's the shot of the couple cuddled up together on the bench).
- A field/hill (for when the couple are laying down on the grass together).
- Outside some one's house.
- A hallway/stairs.
- A bedroom (this is where they have the argument, which results in one of them storming out).

When the couple are happy together, I will edit the video so the transitions between shots are slower, to empasise their happiness. And when the couple have their argument, I will edit it so the transitions are faster to emphasise the angriness between the two characters.
Also, I will make sure that the transitions are faster when the song is more upbeat, and make them slower when the song is less upbeat.

Storyline & How it will relate to the theorists:
The storyline of my music video will fit in with Todorov's theory of music videos.
Todorov's theory is that the video will start off with the equilibrium, where every one's happy and is getting along. Then unfortunately something will come along to interrupt this equilibrium, so for example, an argument may happen, which results in someone trying to sort things out. Then everything gets sorted out and the characters reach the equilibrium, like at the beginning, again.
My music video fits in with this theory because it starts off with the couple being all happy and getting along with each other, then they end up having an argument over something, which results in one of them storming out. The boy sends the girl a text telling her to meet him, which is him trying to fix the problem. They both make up in the end, and they both reach the same equilibrium they were in at the beginning.

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